ISP in GovTech team – Capacity, digital, events and government impact

A Senior Manager in the GovTech team. We aim to provide our customers with innovative support for government-backed technology businesses.

We manage their business

Build strong community of in-house and external experts, especially across the outsourcing expertise we collaborate with to make a difference

Concentrate on challenging customers using technology as a solution

Support government procurement processes to support business growth

Develop a position on government procurement, business strategy and technology policy

Aim to understand best practice and get feedback

Respond quickly

Get involved in regular technology events

Overlay another government person on your team. This is different to a project manager.


The second you get a job offer, contact us. You won’t be offered job offers right away, but we want to know about your background and interests. We want you to contact us with details of your preferred hours, features, etc.

Once you’ve identified a great position, be ready to meet colleagues and perform (in a team setting). Offer examples from your own experience, as an adviser to other staff in the same department as yours, or as an exemplar for others.

To get in touch, send a brief and concise email: [email protected]. Be professional, responsive and detail your attitude and experience. We’re looking for someone who takes a variety of roles but who has strong leadership skills and is excited about government and technology. We’re particularly interested in people who have a passion for customer service.

If you would like more information on this role, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Allen, interim Head of GovTech, at [email protected], please quote job Name in your email.

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